Time Deposit Accounts

Iktisatbank Saving Deposit Accounts
Save money and earn interest at Iktisatbank.
Swap (Platin Account)
If you are looking for a guaranteed return for your investment then this is the product for you. This product is a Turkish Lira product and is available for mid to long term investments only, during the term of the investment you are unable to access the account in any circumstances. This account is available for accounts with a minimum balance of 100,000 Turkish Lira.
For details of the terms and conditions of this account please visit any of our branches.
Deposit Account With Interim Payment
A new savings account designed for medium to long term investors who do not want their investment to be subject to fluctuations in the interest rate.
This new Savings Account has been designed with your needs in mind; invest your capital for a longer term with a set interest rate guaranteed for the term, whilst having access to the interest on a periodic basis to cover those regular expenses you incur.
- An accounts available in all major currencies
- Interest rates depending on the account's balance, maturity, currency and type
- Different deposit accounts available
- Credit interest rate maturity of 1, 2, 6 months or more; the choice is yours.