Daily Currency Exchange Rates

Find more about daily currency exchange rates and exchange up to 10 different currencies with İktisatbank.
İktisatbank lets you view and exchange foreign currencies online. View all currency exchange rates throughout the day and take advantage of currency fluctuations as they occur.

All exchange rates are provided in the form of daily listing and updated momentarily during weekdays. İktisatbank also provides the daily rates of precious metals and EURO/USD parity rates. The table below gives an overview of the Daily Exchange Rates.

United States Dollar (USD) 35.8170 36.2945
Euro (EUR) 37.0205 37.5185
Sterling (GBP) 44.3595 44.9580
Australian Dollar (AUD) 22.3465 22.6515
Danish Kroner (DKK) 4.9650 5.0295
Swedish Kronor (SEK) 3.2755 3.3180
Swiss Franc (CHF) 39.1655 39.6790
Japanese Yen (JPY) 0.2320 0.2360
Canadian Dollar (CAD) 24.9965 25.3220
Norwegian Kroner (NOK) 3.1735 3.2145
Last Updated: 13.02.2025 - 04:01:41
* Intraday exchange rates are published between 8:30am and 16:30pm, and holiday (margin) rates between 16:30pm and 08:30am.

Ways to open currency account
Open your currency account online via Internet /Mobile Banking with simple steps or by visiting our branches.

Benefits & Features:

  • Buy and save currencies at your preferred rate, 24/7
  • Effectively manage exchange rate risks
  • Manage foreign currency payments and receipts using only one account
  • Convert funds to a preferred currency when needed and reduce conversion fees
  • Arbitrage opportunities
***Please note: The above rates are subject to change without notice. Mentioned rates are intended only as a guide. While every effort is made to ensure to information is accurate, you should confirm the latest rates to making any decisions or initiating any transactions. You should consider whether this product is appropirate for you.