Personal Loan

Your Personal Loan, Right in Your Pocket with Favorable Interest Rates
For your personal financial needs, the fastest solution is our Personal Loan. For example, by entering a loan amount of 10,000 TL, you can select the most suitable term and installment amount to meet your cash needs instantly with low-interest rates.
Whether it’s a memorable family vacation, educational expenses for your children, or a new home appliance—just identify your needs, and İktisatbank is here to support you with your cash needs.
How Can I Learn About Loan Interest Rates?
You can review our table of personal loan interest rates to view our competitive and current rates.
Calculating Term and Monthly Installment Amounts
Choose the loan amount and term that best suits you to easily calculate your loan in Turkish Lira, US Dollars, Pounds Sterling, or Euros. You can view the pre-prepared repayment plan with a term of up to 60 months or instantly calculate your chosen interest rate and monthly installment using the "Loan Calculator" tool for your preferred term and amount.
How Can I Apply for a Personal Loan?
To access funds for urgent needs with a personal loan, determine the most favorable total repayment amount and fill out the "Application Form." Our expert Customer Representatives will contact you to arrange an appointment at the nearest branch.
Details of Loan Calculation
- The loan allocation fee is a one-time fee taken at the time of loan disbursement. This fee is calculated as 2% of the disbursed loan amount plus an additional 3% for the Banking and Insurance Transaction Tax (BITT).
- A 0.5% stamp duty is collected on the total loan amount specified in the loan contract. Insurance premiums are not included in annual cost calculations. If insurance is required, the annual cost including insurance will be provided in the Personal Loan Pre-Information Form before loan use.
- Installments include principal, interest, and taxes. A 3% BITT is charged on the interest amount as tax. The bank reserves the right to change the interest rate and loan evaluation criteria.
How Can I Pay My Loan?
You can easily pay your loan installments via Mobile Banking, Internet Banking, or any ATM Banking location throughout Cyprus.
For further details and assistance, we welcome you to our branches. Alternatively, you can reach our Telephone Banking service at +90 (392) 444-4444 for detailed information.