Faq - Digital Banking

Questions You Want to Ask When Using Internet Banking
We are answering your questions about the problems you may encounter when performing banking transactions, so you can use our Internet Banking in its most efficient way.With the answers below we aim to help you with problems you may encounter when using Internet Banking.
The general information that has to be known when using Internet Banking
- How do I use the Internet Banking?
You can use Internet Banking by logging in with E-password or with card. - How can I do ‘Username’ and ‘e-password’ changes?
You can change your username from Internet Banking's Security / Password / Username menu, and you can change your e-password from Security / Password / E-password menu. Your e-password should not be easy to be found by others. When creating your password you should consider to include letters and figures. - How do I get a new Username when I forget my username?
If you have forgot your username you can call our Telephone Banking +90(392)444-4444 and our customer representative can inform you about your username. - How many times with an incorrect entry Internet Banking will be blocked and how blocking is removed?
If you enter your e-password information incorrectly 3 times the system will stop your access for 3 hours. You can remove your blocking by calling our Telephone Banking +90(392)444-4444 or you can login to our Internet Banking with card and remove your own blocking. - How can I login with e-password?
If you do not have an Internet Banking e-password, you can login using your card information from ‘With Card’ menu. When logged in you can get an e-password or you can visit our nearest İktisatbank branches and apply for Internet Banking. - How can I login with Iktisatbank debit card and Cardplus credit card?
After clicking with card menu enter the information asked and start making your transactions easily. - How is the security application in Internet Banking?
> OTP; One Time Password will be sent to your mobile phone number and you will have to enter in 3 minutes. If entered incorrectly 3 times the system will be blocking.
> Time Restriction; You can give time restriction to your Internet Banking so outside the time period you want your Internet Banking entry can be blocked.
> IP Restriction; You can choose the IP number you want to access your Internet Banking and no other IP can access your Internet Banking.
> %100 Secure Certified Internet Banking; You can use the Internet Banking under the guarantee of certificate with international standards. - When login to Internet Banking you do not receive your one time password to your GSM number?
You have to check if your mobile phone number’s is open to receive and send sms and you will have to check if your SMS inbox is full. For more information you can call our Telephone Banking +90(392)444-4444.
If your GSM number is not updated on our system please visit İktisatbank’s nearest branch and ask our customer representative to update your gsm number. - How can I use Internet Banking safer?
You can make your Internet Banking safer by giving time and transaction restriction from Security / Restrictions menu.
Also you can give time restriction and no one can access your internet branch outside the time period you want. - Do I have to use Virtual Keyboard?
Virtual keyboard helps you enter your pin and password information without the need of your computers keyboard .
Key logger programs can be installed on you computer without you knowledge and are able to record when you press the keys on the keyboard. Virtual keyboard provide you protection from these risks.
Find out more about financial transactions made out of Internet Banking
How can I open a current account (TL, FC, XAU, XAG)?
You can open a demand account in TL, FC, XAU and XAG in the branch you are working with from Internet Banking’s Accounts / Account Transactions / Open demand account menu.- How can I open a time deposit account (TL, FC, XAU,XAG)?
You can open time deposit account with your demand account as TL, FC, XAU and XAG from Internet Banking’s Time Deposit Account / Open Deposit Account
The time deposit account opened from Internet Banking can be opened as Turkish lira and foreign exchange. The interest rates of Internet Banking are VIP interest rates. - How can I do currency exchange transactions?
When buying / selling TL and FC you will have to have demand account for both of them in the same branch. You can make your buy / sell transactions from Internet Banking’s foreign exchange menu. - Can I make payment to someone elses credit card?
You can make payment to someone elses Cardplus credit card with the card number from the Card Transactions / Debt Payment / With Credit card no menu. - How can I make payment to other banks credit card?
You can make other bank credit card payment by transfering money to the credit card from Transfers / EFT / To a Credit Card menu. - What is the differents between wire and money order?
With money order you can transfer money between your own account, with wire you can transfer money to any other person that has an account in the same bank. - Can I access my joint account information with my personal Internet Banking password?
You can not access your joint account information using your personal Internet Banking. You have to apply for a different password for your joint account from Kıbrıs Iktistabank Ltd.’s nearest branches. - Can I access my business accounts with my personal Internet Banking?
To access your business account you will have to have a Corporate Internet Banking. To apply for a Corporate Internet Banking e-password please visit our nearest branch. Also you can define your employees to your Corporate Internet Banking with different authority and transaction limits. - What should I do if I came cross to a technical problem during using Internet Banking?
You can call our Telephone Banking +90(392)444-4444 to get support.
Frequently Asked Questions About ATM Banking
We aim to give you better service with ATM Banking modern technology. You can make all of your banking transaction with the ATM Banking, without waiting in line at branches or thinking of working hours.
If you have any questions in your mind about ATM Banking, we are answering your questions.
- How can I use ATM?
You can make your transaction with card or without card. You have to have a Cardplus credit card or Iktisatbank Debit card to make your transactions need card. - Can I deposit money from ATM?
You can get information about our money depositing featured ATMs from Branch and ATMs section on our website. - Can I do without card transactions from ATM?
You can deposit money to your account or any other customers account and you can pay credit card statement from ATM’s without card menu. - When would be my funds in my account after depositing from ATM?
The fund you deposit from ATM will be in your account or in your credit card instantly. - Is it possible to cash withdrawal with Cardplus credit card from my demand account?
You can access your deposit accounts after inserting your Cardplus credit card or Iktisatbank Debit card. You can make your cash withdrawal transaction from ATM’s “Investment Transactions” on button right of the screen. Also you do not have to link your account to your credit card to make your cash withdrawal transactions. - How can I get my joint account information over ATM?
You have to apply for a debit card for your joint account and you can see your joint account information and make your transactions. - What should I do, if ATM takes my credit card or ATM debit card?
If it is at working hours and the ATM you are using is near a branch you can ask the customer representative for help. If it is after working hours or the ATM is not near a branch you can call our Telephone Banking +90(392)444-4444 and give information. - What can I do, if I encounter with a problem when making transactions at ATM?
All the transaction you make from ATM are under guarantee of our bank. If you encounter with a problem you can call our Telephone Banking +90(392)444-4444 and get information.
Banking Transaction as Close as a Telephone
You can make your banking transaction via Telephone Banking with your phone without waiting in line at the bank's branches. We are giving information to you about our Telephone Banking.What is Telephone Banking Interactive Voice Respond system (IVR)?
You can make your transaction with our interactive voice respond menus without speaking to any of our customer representatives when you call our Telephone Banking on +90(392)444-4444.
Are the transactions we make via Telephone Banking secure?
To make transactions via Telephone Banking the system will be asking you your card pin number and a security SMS configuration code will be sent to you registered mobile phone number. Also the conversation you make with our customer representative are under record.
Can I pay my credit card balance via Telephone Banking?
You can pay your credit card balance via Telephone Banking.
How can I speak to customer representatives?
After calling Telephone Banking on +90(392)444-4444 you can press '0' to speak to our professional customer representatives and make your transactions.
Can I make transactions if my personal informations are not updated?
Your personal information will be asked to you as security questions when you are making transactions via Telephone Banking. Because of this your information has to be updated.
If your personal details are not updated please visit Kıbrıs Iktisatbank Ltd's nearest branch and ask our customer representatives to help you update your personal information.
Can you update Mail order and e-commercial transactions via Telephone Banking?
You can update mail order and e-commercial transactions via Telephone Banking.
IVR Frequently Asked Questions
Please see below the answers to some of the questionsyou may have relating to the Interactive Voice Response system faster and more practical for you to do your banking transactions.What is Telephone Banking Interactive Voice Response System (IVR)?
When you call Telephone Banking +90(392)444-4444 Interactive Voice Response System (IVR) allows you to make your transactions through a selection of menus without being connected to a customer representative.
What are the hours of operation of the Interactive Voice Response System?
Interactive Voice Response System operates 24 hours a day 7days.
What can I do via the Interactive Voice Response System?
Click here to learn what transactions can be performed using the Interactive Voice Response System.
How many languages does the Interactive Voice Response System serves? What are they?
Interactive Voice Response Systems provides a service in 3 languages. Turkish, English and Russian.