Interest Subsidized Loan To Tourism
Interest Subsidized Loan To Tourism Sector
You can select one of the most suitable loan product we offer you according to your financial needs. You can provide your financial needs with Kıbrıs Iktisatbank Ltd.
For new tourism investment and 50 percent finished at least, it had been put into operation but if it had to be intermitted bacause of financial difficulties and/or if it besides to purpose to use and than decided to use for the main purpose, Iktisatbank provide financial needs for Nicosia and Famagusta walled cities restore and to be boutique hotel or tourist board.
All of the interest of loan will be extended for 5 points are provided by Economy and Energy Ministry. Up to 1,500,000. - TL, max 84 months term, if you want first 24 months grace period by interest subsidized loan for the tourism sector. Up to 50,000. - TL subsidized loan for the tourism sector are provided by Kıbrıs Iktisatbank Ltd.
You can benefit from our other product Business Overdraft Account with suitable interest rates. Your invoices such as cheque, water bill, electricity bill, telephone bill will be paid at the last payment day.
For more information you can visit Kıbrıs Iktisatbank Ltd.'s nearest branch or you can call our Telephone Banking on +90(392)444-4444.