Installment Cash Advance With Your Credit Card!

Great Advantage in Installment Cash Advance
Meet all your cash needs instantly with Installment Cash Advance, and repay it in easy installments.
You can withdraw Installment Cash Advance from your Iktisatbank Credit Card 24/7 using our Internet Banking, Mobile Banking, or ATM Banking channels.
By using your Iktisatbank Credit Card, you can either withdraw the cash advance immediately in cash or transfer it to your checking account. This way, you can perform banking transactions such as money transfers, bill payments, or currency/gold purchases with the money deposited into your checking account.
Terms of use:
- All Iktisatbank credit card holders can benefit from this campaign.
- You can use up to 50% of the credit limit of your primary or supplementary card for Installment Cash Advance transactions.
- You can regularly track the installments of your Installment Cash Advance transactions on your monthly card statement.
- To benefit from Installment Cash Advance, credit card payments must be made regularly.
You can conveniently use Northern Cyprus's most versatile credit card for single payments at all stores abroad displaying the MasterCard® or Visa logo, and for both single and installment payments at thousands of member merchants across Northern Cyprus.
Take advantage of all the features that make your İktisatbank Credit Card a convenient tool in your daily life by exploring the Credit Card Benefits now.
If you have not yet obtained an İktisatbank CardPlus Credit Card, you can easily apply by completing the Credit Card Application Form without delay.
For more information, please call +90 (392) 444-4444 Telephone Banking.